The part-time job that has it all at Lidl. Stacking shelves, baking bread or running the cash register and working together as a team with your colleagues to make customers happy. A varied part-time job which allows you to gain work experience and make good money at the same time.
What are you going to do?
A part-time job at Lidl is never boring, because we will turn you into an all-round employee. This will be achieved not only because of the varied work, but also because of your col-leagues. You and your team are the beating heart of the store. You stack the shelves, make sure that the store is clean and tidy and help customers when they have a question.
- You make sure that the shelves are always sufficiently stacked.
- You work as a cashier.
- You make sure that the store looks tidy and help customers who have a question.
Who are you?
You are energetic and eager to work in a fun and engaged team in order to make sure that the store operates well. You are friendly and helpful, not only to customers, but to your col-leagues as well. After all, at Lidl our teamspirit is our strength!
Experience with working in a supermarket is not required.
In addition:
- You are at least 16 years old.
- You can work flexible hours, also occasionally in the evening and on weekends.
Are you looking for a part-time job that does not involve working in the hospitality industry, working as an administrative assistant, in a hardware store, as a delivery driver, as a sales-person or in customer service? Come join #teamlidl as a part-time supermarket employee!
What do you get from us?
A part-time job with a variety in tasks and a fun team with great colleagues. The onboarding process is a perfect mix of E-learning and practice, which will allow you to learn quickly what working at Lidl is like.
You can also count on:
- A 2 to 12-hour working week with the possibility to earn extra money during the school holidays.
- Fun activities outside of work, such as exciting team events.
- You can start immediately. Even if you are only available on weekends or in the evening.
If, for example, you are taking a gap year or looking for a part-time job which allows you to work more hours per week, you can apply for the position of a store employee.
Your salary as a part-time supermarket employee
Your salary will depend on your age and the number of hours you work. Below, you can see the hourly salary.
- 16 years: EUR 5.98 per hour.
- 17 years: EUR 6.84 per hour.
- 18 years: EUR 7.51 per hour.
- 19 years: EUR 8.96 per hour.
- 20 years: EUR 11.95 per hour.
- 21+ years: EUR 14.93 per hour.
This is your all-in gross salary, including holiday allowance.
De voordelen van werken bij Lidl
Je krijgt als Lidl-medewerker flinke kortingen op leuke activiteiten, merken en diensten zoals, Nike en Podimo.
Je krijgt als Lidl-collega korting op het behalen van je rijbewijs bij rijschool NXXT. Er is een speciaal Lidl rijles- en theoriepakket en je bent verzekerd van een snelle start. Je kunt NXXT rijscholen vinden in het hele land, dus ook op een locatie dicht bij jou in de buurt!
Wil je ook buiten het werk voor het beste resultaat gaan? Doe dan met je team mee aan ons jaarlijkse voetbaltoernooi of een hardloopwedstrijd.
We willen dat iedereen die bij ons werkt zich goed voelt. Daarom krijg je bij ons onder andere online fysiotherapie, gratis workouts (of met korting), jaarlijkse voetbaltoernooien, gratis fruit en een gratis stoppen-met-roken cursus.
Bereid je goed voor op je eindexamens met onze gratis online examentrainingen.